Antique Why (Greek) Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Antique lyrics


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Antique - Why (Greek)

Aporo pos mporo
Na meno edo, na s'agapo
Afou pote den prospatheis
To keno mesa mou na deis

Stin erimia sou me klineis
Osi fotia exo tin svineis
San anixti pligi
Stin kardia mou to giati

Why theleis sinexos na me ponas
Why ta oneira mou skorpas
Why mia zoi me polemas
Why den emathes na m'agapas

Psixra sta matia me kitas
Xoris na mou milas
Gyrnas, xanesai
Ntropi den aisthanesai

Thelo sto plai sou na rtho
Ma les kai den yparxo
Den eimai pia
Gia sena, ego, pouthena

Why theleis sinexos na me ponas
Why ta oneira mou skorpas
Why mia zoi me polemas
Why den emathes na m'agapas


Why theleis sinexos na me ponas
Why ta oneira mou skorpas
Why mia zoi me polemas
Why den emathes na m'agapas

Why theleis sinexos na me ponas
Why ta oneira mou skorpas
Why mia zoi me polemas
Why den emathes na m'agap

Date added: Jun 25, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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