Billy Crawford Tragedy Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Billy Crawford lyrics


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Billy Crawford - Tragedy

Tommy's bus stop, Tommy's bus stop, too bad so sad
Tommy's bus stop, Tommy's bus stop, too bad so sad
Where I used to wait every day to see his little face, what a face
Where I used to wait every single day to see his face, what a face

You get a funky feeling, while watching me through the fence
You want to have my soul, and steal my confidence
I'm shooting hoops and that's no good, that's your worst enemy
You want to dim my dreams and capture me
I can shoot you, you won't die
I can drop you, you won't fall
I can smoke you, you won't crack
It's a tragedy, tragedy, yeah

As you turn away, we hear you cryin'''
As you start to pray, we hear you call

I hear you call, yeah

And when you come into my room, you'll play my favorite beat
You'll make it so so cool, I won't feel the heat
And when I'm higher than the sky, you'll watch me crash and burn
Another victory, my tragedy
We can shoot you, you won't die
We can drop you, you won't fall
We can smoke you, you won't crack
We can quit you, you come back
We can hate you, you just laugh
Turn away but you still try
To destroy our precious life
It's a tragedy, tragedy, yeah

As you turn away, we hear you cryin'
As you start to pray, we hear you call
As you walk away, we hear you cryin'
Don't make our mistake, 'cause now we're gone

You're getting education you know that's killing me
You're reading books and shooting hoops, my two worst enemy's
If you ignore me I will dry up and I'll blow away
But I'll be back for you some other way
I see your little brother I'm gonna make him mine
I'm gonna kick his innocence and twist his mind
If you don't watch him closely I will sneak up on him
Nothing better than a young victim

As you turn away, we hear you cryin'
As you start to pray, we hear you call
As you walk away, we hear you cryin'
Don't make our mistake, 'cause now we're gone

As you turn away, we hear you cryin'
(We can shoot you, you won't die)
(We can drop you, you won't fall)
(We can smoke you, you won't crack)
(We can quit you, you come back)

As you start to pray, we hear you call
(We can hate you, you just laugh)
(Turn away but you still try)
(To destroy our precious life)

As you walk away, we hear you cryin'
(We can shoot you, you won't die)
(We can drop you, you won't fall)
(We can smoke you, you won't crack)
(We can quit you, you come back)

Don't make our mistake, 'cause now we're gone
(We can hate you, you just laugh)
(Turn away but you still try)
(To destroy our precious life)

As you turn away, we hear you cryi

Date added: May 09, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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