Hart Corey IT AIN'T ENOUGH Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Hart Corey lyrics
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Hart Corey - IT AIN'T ENOUGH
I could capture all the love the great romantics had
Sing you a song that ain't half bad
But that ain't enough... that ain't enough for you
And I could run across the world, to bring you the sun
Look in your eyes one on one
But that ain't enough... that ain't enough for you.
And I could carry the weight of your sad times, dear
And give you the strength to face your fears
I know I'll never be afraid to say
I'm here by your side and I'm gonna stay
I could preach about love that one shouldn't forsake
Work on my style of give and take
But that ain't enough... That ain't enough for you
Said ain't enough... it ain't enough for you
And I could carry the weight of your sad times, dear
And give you the strength to face your fears
I know I'll never be afraid to say
I'm here by your side and I'm gonna stay
Just a little closer to you, yeah
I could pour you a drink like I pour out my heart
Smile when I'm sad and act dumb when I'm smart
But that ain't enough... that ain't enough for you
That ain't enough for y
Date added: | Mar 26, 2005 |
Requirements: | Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008 |
Software: | Mp3 Player |
Limitations: | No limitations |
File size: | ?? Mb |
Download time: | < ? min (on 1Mbps) |
BitRate: | ?? kbps |
Track Length | ?? (mm:ss) |
Music video for Hart Corey - IT AIN'T ENOUGH
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