Hart Corey Spot You In A Coalmine Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Hart Corey lyrics
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Hart Corey - Spot You In A Coalmine
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Oh, no, no
You give me a little light in a dark tunnel
You, you got the market on my heart
I declare right now that it belongs to you
And the whole world is witness to
So take the bad days from here
'Cause I never get what I want
Never want what I get
I'm spoiled rotten to the core
Baby there's something more
'O let me tell you that
I may be blindfolded, turn around
Spit on like a dog in the earth
Spot you in a coalmine
Yes it's true
I can spot you in a coalmine
And I, think of an old Dylan song
When I'm with my buddy Matt
And we're travelin' down the road
"The light we never knowed"
[No I can't bite my lip no more
I've heard this heartbreak story before
I can stand here and watch you
With my eyes close tight
Hey mister baby I know you alright
Don't you know I may be hazy-crazy
'Cause I haven't had a chance to say]
[Spot you in a coalmine
Yes it's true
I can spot you in a coalmine]
(And when the world is running you low)
I will be there
[I will be there]
('O when the world is treating you low)
I will be there
So take (three steps to me)
Oh no
*Spot you in a coalmine
Baby I know you're there
In a coalmine
*Spot you in a coalmine
Baby I know you're there
In a coalmine
*Spot you in a coalmine
Baby I know you're there
In a coalmine
I can [spot you in a coalmine]
Oh baby I know you're there
In a coalmine
*Spot you in a coalmine
Baby I know you're there
In a coalmine
*Spot you in a coalmine
Baby I know you're there
In a coalmine
*[Spot you in a coalmine
Baby I know you're there
In a coalmine]
[Oh I can't bite my lip no more]
[I've heard that heartbreak story before]
*Spot you in a coalmine
I know you're there
In a coalmine
*[Spot you in a coalmine
Baby I know you're there
In a coalmine]
*[Spot you in a coalmine
Baby I know you're there
In a coalmine]
[I say in a coalmine
*Spot you in a coalmine
Baby I know you're there
In a coalmine]
*[Spot you in a coalmine
Baby I know you're there
In a coalmine]
Oh no, no, na, na
*[Spot you in a coalmine
Baby I know you're there
In a coalmine]
Oh yea, you look good in a coalmine.
() Means harmony with Corey,
[] Means Ruby Turner singing,
*Means back-up vocals and harmo
Date added: | Mar 26, 2005 |
Requirements: | Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008 |
Software: | Mp3 Player |
Limitations: | No limitations |
File size: | ?? Mb |
Download time: | < ? min (on 1Mbps) |
BitRate: | ?? kbps |
Track Length | ?? (mm:ss) |
Music video for Hart Corey - Spot You In A Coalmine
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