Hart Corey Take My Heart Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Hart Corey lyrics
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Hart Corey - Take My Heart
Take me to the top again
Take me to the high road shining
'Cause you know I never seen the world like that
You take me to the top again
You take me where it's slow and easy
'Cause you know I never dream inside like that
I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know, I know
Won't you take my heart
Don't leave me here standin'
Take my heart
Where only you can
Take my heart
There is no resistance
I can only go as far as you can
Yea, through the leaves of grass I search
And I follow like a soldier
Where the battle rages on
Reveal what's true
And I call to open skies
And I call to high plains driftin'
Through the wintertime the earth shall feed my soul
I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know, I know
Won't you take my heart
Don't leave me here standin'
Take my heart
Where only you can
Won't you take my heart
There is no resistance
I can only go as far as you can
Discover borderlands that we have yet to run
And you can search forever never reach the sun
And I can go on tryin'
And I can go on cryin'
Won't you take my heart
Don't leave me here standin'
Take my heart
Where only you can
Won't you take my heart
There is no resistance
I can only go as far, o I'm cryin'
Take my heart
Don't leave me here standin'
Take my heart
Where only you can
Take my heart, o I said
I can only go as far as you can-n
Take my heart
I said, take my heart
It's okay
It's all right now
Everything, everything in my hea
Date added: | Mar 26, 2005 |
Requirements: | Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008 |
Software: | Mp3 Player |
Limitations: | No limitations |
File size: | ?? Mb |
Download time: | < ? min (on 1Mbps) |
BitRate: | ?? kbps |
Track Length | ?? (mm:ss) |
Music video for Hart Corey - Take My Heart
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