Rustic Overtones Revolution AM Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Rustic Overtones lyrics


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Rustic Overtones - Revolution AM

I can carry much more water on my shoulders.
I can walk so very farther than your soldiers.
Through this desert, different times I start to notice...
You seem obsolete, but you're still barking out the orders.
Evolutionized and unutilized, I'm your worker.
But I'm the quiet thinking type, and your always the talker.
I always thought the sand was why you're falling.
But your feet get tired at dinnertime, it's revolution in the morning

I see the sun set
I'm relaxed and calm and you're losing breath.
When I take four steps, you take two, and you're hot to death.
I see the sun set
I'm relaxed and calm and you're losing breath.
When I take four steps, you take two, and you're hot to death.

I can see all through the night without stars and things.
I can see over the dunes, I smell the hurricanes.
But when your mind will get so tired, you'll make up things.
Your faces see oasis from the shadows of the ultraviolet rays.

I see the sun set
I'm relaxed and calm and you're losing breath.
When I take four steps, you take two, and you're hot to death.
I see the sun set
I'm relaxed and calm and you're losing breath.
When I take four steps, you take two, and you're hot to death.

I see the sun set
I'm relaxed and calm and you're losing breath.
When I take four steps, you take two, and you're hot to death.
I see the sun set
I'm relaxed and calm and you're losing breath.
When I take four steps, you take two, and you're hot to death.

Date added: May 19, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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