Shadow Man If They'd Come Together Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Shadow Man lyrics


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Shadow Man - If They'd Come Together

Every single day it's in my head
Every single day it's what I dread
Every single day I want it out
Every single day I shout it out

Why can't there be no noise?
Why do I have these feelings in my head?
Why must I think such things?
Why must I have these awful dreams?

Every single day I feel it
Every single day I want it gone from me
Every single day I curse to God for it
Every single day I dare to dream away

Why can't there be no noise?
Why do I have these feelings in my head?
Why must I think such things?
Why must I have these awful dreams?

If there was no noise
I wouldn't be so alone
If there was no noise
I wouldn't be so scared of the dark
If there was no noise
I wouldn't be dreaming of death
But if there was no noise
Who would be my friend?

Every day I hear the sounds
Every day I hate them all for it
Every day is just another one to blame
For every day I live

Why can't there be no noise?
Why do I have these feelings in my head?
Why must I think such things?
Why must I have these awful dreams?

If there was no noise
I wouldn't be so alone
If there was no noise
I wouldn't be so scared of the dark
If there was no noise
I wouldn't be dreaming of death
But if there was no noise
Who would be my friend?

If there was no noise
There would be nothing in this world
If there was no noise
I wouldn't have a care at all
If there was no noise
There would be nothing to miss
But if there was no noise
We all would not exist

So bring the noise
Hear the noise
Bring the noise
God, why can't there be no noise?

Date added: Jul 25, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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