Streisand Barbra Why Let It Go? Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Streisand Barbra lyrics


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Streisand Barbra - Why Let It Go?

Music by A. Hawkshaw, Lyrics by A. Berman & M. Berman, Title by B. Mason

You smiled and you were in my life
I saw my dreams there in your eyes
You touched my hand
You touched my heart
You held me through the night
It felt so right
But love, it isn't all romance
It's filled with clouds and stormy skies
We may have come to close, too fast
But if we really care
So much is there
Why let it go
Why let it go
Why run away
When what we have is so worth fighting for
Why let it go
If ev'ry day
We can hide our feelings less
So we can love each other more
Why let it go
I know that when I'm in your arms
There's no such thing as good goodbyes
Cause I believe that we have found
A love of heart and mind
So hard to find
Why let it go
Why let it go
Don't run away
It's no easy, but it's worth the fighting for
Why let it go
If ev'ry day
We can hide our feelings less
So we can love each other more
Why let it go
Why let it

Date added: Oct 08, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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