Winger You are the saint, I am the sinner Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Winger lyrics


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Winger - You are the saint, I am the sinner

You are the saint, I am the sinner

Do you really believe that I can't see inside your cold heart
I have witnessed you, now let the truth be a light in the dark

Yeah I can see so clearly, right through your cryin', there's no denyin'
You point the finger, cast the first stone
Knowing you're guilty you're still blamin' me sayin'

You are the saint, I am the sinner, you laugh as my heart turns to stone
You are the saint, I am the sinner, prey 'til my flesh hits the bone

You love watching the blood from my soul dripping off of your hands
But like the rising sun, your reflection will come put you up on the stand

Yeah I can see so clearly, right through your cryin', there's no denyin'
You point the finger from up on your throne
You promise, you wink, you honestly think that


Na na na...


Soon to your demon, you'll be a slave
Watchin' these words, but until that day


You are the saint, I am the sinner, you laugh as my heart turns to stone
You are the saint, I am the sinner

You are the saint - no no no, you are the sinner
You are the sinner!

Date added: Jul 14, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: 6.56 Mb
Download time: < 4 min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: 256 kbps
Track Length 3:35 (mm:ss)
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