Authority Zero Taking On The World Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Authority Zero lyrics


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Authority Zero - Taking On The World

So many faithless, so little time
And out of empathy you make it feel right
Of all the places that you wanted it to be
With unfamiliar faces that you wanted to see
How many times did you walk around on ability to reason that you know?
And all the times that you've had to let it go?
So many different reasons that you've had to show

Think of all the times and all of the reasons that you had ever once to believe
Among so many times before
Combined with the ways that you were
In times that you've wanted belief as it takes you for more
And what's more
On your way, on with the day among these things that you've fought for so long
Why can't you just let them go?
Time helps to show
One by one they start to fade away

The times that there were things that you've wanted to say
You know that you've held them pent up deep down inside
In other words you feel like you're taking on the world

Taking on the world a whole new meaning now that you have put it all into play
What does all of this mean?
It will take you in and it will spit you out
It will drag you down until there's no doubt
It's made you feel you feel you've got no more
And what's more
It will take away all you've entrusted and replace it with a bag full of rocks
But if you can just let that go, time has helps to show
All that shit will start to fade away

The times that there were things that you've wanted to say
You know that you've held them all so deep down inside your mind
No reason to just let them go away
That way you can try if you want to believe
You're watching them all go with your ability
Why can't you just let them all fade away?
You ever feel like you're taking on the world?

Because there are so many faithless, so little time
And out of empathy you make it feel right
Of all the places that you wanted it to be
With unfamiliar faces that you wanted to see
How many times did you walk around on ability to reason that you know?
And all the times that you've had to let it go?
So many reasons that you've had to show

The times that there were things that you've wanted to say
You know that you've held them all so deep down inside your mind
No reason to just let them go away
That way you can try if you want to believe
You're watching them all go with your ability
Why can't you just let them all fade away?
You ever feel like you're taking on the world?

I need!
Want a brighter day?
I believe that you'll find a way
I need!
Want a brighter day?
I believe in all of the times that we've seen before

The times that there were things that you've wanted to say
You know you've held them so deep in your mind
You say you just want to let them all go when you are not confined in your lying
Now you defend all the reasons that you try to make believe in
Why can't you put them all away?
Why can't you just let them go?

Date added: Mar 26, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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Music video for Authority Zero - Taking On The World

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