Cathy Dennis Being With You Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Cathy Dennis lyrics


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Cathy Dennis - Being With You

Doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo

Hold me in your arms
Tell me that this love
Will always be

Whisper in my ear
Things that only you and I
Should hear

Through the storms of life
We toss and turn
Tryin' hard to break us down

But I could face the hurt of anything
Just as long as you're around

'cos being with you
Even the rainy days seem fine
You are an angel in my mind

Being with you
Even the rainy days seem fine
You are an angel in my eyes

All I ask of life
Is to let me near you

Only in my dreams
Had I known how good
Real love could be

Through the storms of life
We toss and turn
Tryin' hard to break us down

But I could face the hurt of anything
Just as long as you're around

'cos being with you
Even the rainy days seem fine
You are an angel in my life

Being with you
Even the rainy days seem fine
You are an angel in my eyes

You make me feel so good
Y'know it baby
Like only lovers should
Come do it baby

Being with you
Even the rainy days seem fine
You are an angel in my life

You are an angel in my life

Being with you
Even the rainy days seem fine
You are an angel in my eyes

You are an angel baby

Being with you
Even the rainy days seem fine
You are an angel in my life

Even the rainy days

You are an angel baby

Being with you
Even the rainy days seem fine
You are an angel in my eyes

Even the rainy days

Being with you
Even the rainy days seem fi

Date added: Jul 22, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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