CruxShadows, The Spectators Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics CruxShadows, The lyrics


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CruxShadows, The - Spectators

Down on the other side of things
The trigger?s fast and light
Bringing home this emptiness
For which you had to fight
It doesn't matter if you're giving
For they do not compromise
The world will keep you guessing
Until the day you die

And everyone will say, ?I told you so?
Yeah, they'll all just nod and sigh
But I'll make a run at something real
And they'll never even try
And everyone will say, ?I told you so?
Yeah, they'll all just nod and sigh
As I go down in a ball of flames
They'll just watch? I wonder why

When the people downtown are freezing
Sometimes you cannot hide
So what can you do? It?s often true
Then we shift away our eyes
But maybe that moment?s our?s to live
And maybe that's what we were for
As fate will share a chance with you
To open up your door

And everyone will say, ?I told you so?
Yeah, they'll all just nod and sigh
But I'll make a run at something real
And they'll never even try
And everyone will say, ?I told you so?
Yeah, they'll all just nod and sigh
As I go down in a ball of flames
They'll just watch? I wonder why

I don't understand
Why you're just standing there
I don't understand
Why you don't seem to care

And everyone will say, ?I told you so?
Yeah, they'll all just nod and sigh
But I'll make a run at something real
And they'll never even try
And everyone will say, ?I told you so?
Yeah, they'll all just nod and sigh
As I go down in a ball of flames
They'll just watch? I wonder why
And everyone will say, ?I told you so?
Yeah, they'll all just nod and sigh
But I'll make a run at something real
And they'll never even try
And everyone will say, ?I told you so?
Yeah, they'll all just nod and sigh
As I go down in a ball of flames
They'll just watch? I wonder why

I don't understand
Why you're just standing there
I wonder why
I don't understand
Why you don't seem to care
I wonder why

And everyone will say, ?I told you so?
They'll all just nod and sigh
But I made a run at something real
And they never even tried
I wonder why
And everyone will say, ?I told you so?
Yeah, they'll all just nod and sigh
And tell me where I made my big mistake
They may just be surprised

Date added: Mar 26, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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Music video for CruxShadows, The - Spectators

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