D'arby Terence Trent C.y.f.m.l.a.y? Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics D'arby Terence Trent lyrics


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D'arby Terence Trent - C.y.f.m.l.a.y?

Though I need my soul for the next world
I need my body for this one (and yours)

Can you feel my love around you?
Can you feel my love around you?
Can you feel it, can you feel it?
Can you feel my love around you?

You're looking more like a real fine woman every day
And you look like the kind of girl who likes to play
Would you dance with me if I lied
And told you you were fine? (hey I'm only kidding,
If you were any more beautiful I'd have to spank you)
Would you play with me?
And let me eat you like a watermelon rind
Get over here girl

Can you feel my love around you?
Can you feel my love around you?
Can you feel it, can you feel it?
Can you feel my love around you?

You might be older, you might be younger
It doesn't matter
And stop freaking out
'Cause you think your ass is getting fatter
(In this golden hour)
Would you shower me if I read your poetry?

Girl let's shake a leg, let's get stupid
And hang around with Cupid
Get over here girl

Can you feel my love around you?
Can you feel my love around you?
Can you feel it, can you feel it?
Can you feel my love around you?

Push it over here sweet thing
So I can re-examine those curves

There's a fire crackling in your eyes
It's warmth I long to feel
Don't make me beg, don't take me down a peg
Shake a leg, break an egg
Just send TTD the bill

Can you feel my love around you?
Can you feel my love around you?
Can you feel it, can you feel it?
Can you feel my love around you?

If You Go Before Me

Dearest ones in an eye of a star life is brief
A speck of dust from grass to leaf
If on the ascendant your soul arises
And doesn't contradict what your esence extemporises
I've been the hermit and the love thief
And paid for the privilege with tears of grief
Which soon by nature circumcises
This song will be brief

One day in the spring a question fell
And went straight through me
Do bleeding angels sing when close to tears?
I need the answer
So if you go before me would you let me know?
If you go before me would you let me know?

One day in the year a bullet screamed
And ripped straight through you
And I saw the sun begin to bleed
Above a flood of tears and sirens
And are spirit's colour blind?
So if you go before me would you let me know?
If you go before me would you let me kno

Date added: Mar 26, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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Music video for D'arby Terence Trent - C.y.f.m.l.a.y?

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