Expos Tell Me Why Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Expos lyrics


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Expos - Tell Me Why

(Oh oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh oh)

Echoes thunder almost every night
Why this prison if we're all alike?
Look around you, look at all your friends
Tell me, are they just what they pretend?

Listen to my story if you have the time
Yes, we'll make the difference if we really try
Listen, everybody, and start to make it right
One and all together, feel it from inside

Tell me why it echoes every night,
Why we fight just to find who's wrong or right
Don't let it slide, you can't run and hide
Tell me why, oh, won't you please tell me why?

(Oh oh oh oh)
(Oh oh oh oh)

Give me a reason for all this senseless crime
We can change it, why they have to die
Think of the children, tomorrow's their future
Don't make them feel it's just another day

Tell me, anybody, why can't we live together,
End all the fighting, erase it all forever?
Listen for this reason before it gets too late
Soon, there will be no one, no one left to hate


Oh oh oh oh, tell me, tell me why
Oh oh oh oh, tell me, tell me why
Oh oh oh oh, tell me, tell me why
Oh oh oh oh, tell me, tell me why


So, tell me, anybody, why can't we live together,
End all the fighting, erase it all forever?
Listen for this reason before it gets too late
Soon, there will be no one, no one left to hate


Games are not where it's at
Give it up, no time for that
Imagine people, hand in hand
No more fighting in this land
Red, yellow, black, or white
Colors don't make up what's right
Come with me and see the light
We can start the peace tonight
Make the music fill your life
Now's the time to realize
Don't be living in a lie
Can't you hear the people's cry?

Can't you hear the people's cry?
(fade ou

Date added: Apr 26, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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