Initial D Don't Stop the Music (Eng.) Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Initial D lyrics


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Initial D - Don't Stop the Music (Eng.)

don't stop the music
don't stop the music
music ~~~
don't stop ~~~
don't stop the music
music ~~~

don't stop the music tonight!

let's go to the rhythm
let's go to the power
keep on movin' - start the motion
jumping with emotion
crazy locomotion
move and dance and take my feeling

jump and go
the power of the night
the music and the lights
with the best emotion!
lost into your eyes
without control, my love inside

don't stop the music
the rhythm groove all right
play the song don't be wrong
make your feeling high - all the night
don't stop the music tonight

don't stop the music
to dance is like a fight
you can show your emotion
your secret side - all the night
don't stop the music tonight

dancing with obsession
show me your reaction
let's go! grooving all the night
move on crazy dancer
music is the answer
all the night
you make me crazy

jump and go
the power of the night
the music and the lights
with the best emotion!
lost into your eyes
without control, my love inside

don't stop the music
the rhythm groove all right
play the song don't be wrong
make your feeling high - all the night
don't stop the music tonight

don't stop the music
to dance is like a fight
you can show your emotion
your secret side - all the night
don't stop the music tonight

let's go to the rhythm
let's go to the power
keep on movin' - start the motion
jumping with emotion
crazy locomotion
move and dance and take my feeling

jump and go
the power of the night
the music and the lights
with the best emotion!
lost into your eyes
without control, my love inside

don't stop the music
the rhythm groove all right
play the song don't be wrong
make your feeling high - all the night
don't stop the music tonight

don't stop the music
to dance is like a fight
you can show your emotion
your secret side - all the night
don't stop the music tonight

music ~~~
don't stop ~~~
don't stop the music
music ~~~
don't stop the music tonight

don't stop the music
the rhythm groove all right
play the song don't be wrong
make your feeling high - all the night
don't stop the music tonight

don't stop the music
to dance is like a fight
you can show your emotion
your secret side - all the night
don't stop the music tonight

don't stop the music tonight !

Date added: Mar 26, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
Click here to DOWNLOAD Initial D - Don't Stop the Music (Eng.) ?? kbps MP3 !">Download MP3 Download MP3

You can also download Initial D - Don't Stop the Music (Eng.) from Amazon Digital. Click here

Music video for Initial D - Don't Stop the Music (Eng.)

All the Initial D - Don't Stop the Music (Eng.) song lyrics , Initial D song titles listed on this site are the property of respective authors (Initial D), artists, label and trademarks and are listed for educational purposes only. If you want to use Initial D - Don't Stop the Music (Eng.) lyrics, label or trademarks please contact the respective artists, authors or label owners. Commercial use of the content of Free Mp3 Music downloads is prohibited without contanting the respective owners.

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