Jaguar Wright Lineage Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Jaguar Wright lyrics


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Jaguar Wright - Lineage

Always remember, story uh, laughter, remember your family

I was six years old when I fell down on Spencer Ave.
It was my aunt suzys house and I still can see the bruise
I remember grand daddy even though I never sat on his knee
He taught me life was culture baby
My uncle David they call him Jello the only man that could say hello
And it sound like angels singing in your ear
And even though they all passed away I still long for their company
And I wonder God why couldnt they stay

So I gotta remember though Im young that my time will surely come
And now I gotta try to keep it together as I watch my family pass me by
So remember, so remember, so remember
So remember, so remember, so remember
So remember, so remember, so remember
So remember, so remember, so remember your family

I was twelve years old when my uncle Andrew had got sick
And Jaundice turn to HIV and then his body quit
It was strange the numbness I felt, watching him all dressed in black
Wasnt thinking about what he gave up but about all I lacked

So I gotta believe, that if I give I can live through eternity
And I gotta know, if I dont share myself know one will ever know
So remember, so remember, so remember
So remember, so remember, so remember
So remember, so remember, so remember
So remember, so remember, so remember your family


I always yeah remember what my mama told me
I always yeah, always take the bitter with the sweet
I always yeah, remember what auntie told me
I always yeah, even when its hard be a lady baby
I always yeah, remember what grand daddy said
I always yeah, you got to lay in the bed you make
I always yeah, remember what my uncle taught me
I always yeah, dont give up when it gets hard keep pushing baby
And you got to, remember everything they taught you
And you got to, hold on to what is true
And you got to, never forget where you coming from
And you got to, and you got to, and remember

Remember, I said one more time, remember oh
Remember, so remember, so remember (repeat)
Your fami

Date added: Mar 26, 2005
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