Morning Wood Cracking Sound Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Morning Wood lyrics


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Morning Wood - Cracking Sound

I hate it that you don't want to talk to me
Seems like you don't wanna be with me anymore
I stare at the door with angry glance
Think I'll leave the world behind
Are my sobs just pathetic or will they lead to crime this time
I walked with wings on my back once
They suddenly burnt away one day
and now all I can do is pray
to a God I don't believe in

Can you hear that cracking sound?
No, nothing is breaking around
No crystal, glasses or dishes
Just promises, wishes and dreams of kisses
Can you hear that cracking sound?
Busting open all that I found
No it's not crystal, glasses or dishes
Just promises, wishes and dreams of kisses
It's my heart

Just act like you still care
Act like you want to talk to me
Make this feeling in the air go away
Stop putting me behind everyone else
Sticking me on the self
To collect dust as your away
I just wanna give my love to you
The way you used to want me to
I just want my baby back
I just want you back

Can you hear that cracking sound?
No, nothing is breaking around
No crystal, glasses or dishes
Just promises, wishes and dreams of kisses
Can you hear that cracking sound?
Busting open all that I found
No it's not crystal, glasses or dishes
Just promises, wishes and dreams of kisses
It's my heart

All those nights I read you stories
We talked about what we would do someday
Which way are you falling out of us
So I can't catch you and hold you tight
I just don't think it's right,
That a boy should ever miss his girl

Can you hear that cracking sound?
No, nothing is breaking around
No crystal, glasses or dishes
Just promises, wishes and dreams of kisses
Can you hear that cracking sound?
Busting open all that I found
No it's not crystal, glasses or dishes
Just promises, wishes and dreams of kisses
It's my heart

I still remember those late nights like they were yesterday
But now they are a week away and you have somehow slipped away
I dream of a day again when my skin can be touching your skin
I'm sorry that day can't be today,
Just let me know, that you still love me
Give me some more time, make me the most important in your life
Show me the way, to live my day
A cracking is going through my heart,
Please don't let it rip it apart,
Just be my baby again

Can you hear that cracking sound?
No, nothing is breaking around
No crystal, glasses or dishes
Just promises, wishes and dreams of kisses
Can you hear that cracking sound?
Busting open all that I found
No it's not crystal, glasses or dishes
Just promises, wishes and dreams of kisses
It's my heart

I just want one of those nights again,
Talk about the things we will do someday
Don't let the feeling slip away
Make me smile and let me do that for you too
I just want you again
To read you stories, to tell them to you
To say the most dorkiest things to you
To make you smile and all the while
Feeling so close to you.
I just want my baby back.

Can you hear that cracking sound?
No, nothing is breaking around
No crystal, glasses or dishes
Just promises, wishes and dreams of kisses
Can you hear that cracking sound?
Busting open all that I found
No it's not crystal, glasses or dishes
Just promises, wishes and dreams of kisses
It's my heart

Something's eating away at this heart
Don't let this fade away
Thunder outside my window
Calling you for me, go to your G
I just want you to talk to me
I just want you to love me
I don't want this to fall
If you still care at all, please call.

Please call.
Please call.
My heart is fragile.

Date added: Mar 26, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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