Ralph McTell Dear River Thames Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Ralph McTell lyrics


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Ralph McTell - Dear River Thames

Dear River Thames,
You keep moving along,
Not knowing where you're going,
Or where you've come from.
Your head's in the valley,
Your feet in the sea,
Dear River Thames,
Stay a while, stay a while,
Listen to me.

Dear River Thames,
Distress blurs my mind,
Through London's gray pastures,
So bleak and unkind.
Clear blue through meadows,
Darker through town,
Dear River Thames,
Stay by me, stay by me,
And don't let me down.

Dear River Thames,
Sail me down to the sea,
Where seagulls sing anthems,
And circle around free.
And there I shall rest,
Where the waters descend,
Dear River Thames,
For the ride, I must confide,
That you are my frien

Date added: Sep 17, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
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BitRate: ?? kbps
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