Ralph McTell Interest on That Loan Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Ralph McTell lyrics


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Ralph McTell - Interest on That Loan


(Ralph McTell)

Now it's come to talking I don't have much to say,
It wouldn't come out right, and so I'll leave it out, oh it's best that way.
And I got to get out now 'cause I need just a couple of drinks.
Can you lend me just a little money 'till I draw my pay?

And I'm leaving like a thief in the night.
Oh, but I will try to write to you, or maybe I will call.
And I'll send you back all the money,
But not the love that you've left
I've never paid no interest on that loan

You really gave me comfort I couldn't take more
My credit's overdrawn and I just lie deeper in your debt.
And I got to get out now 'cause I need just a couple of drinks.
Can you lend me just a little money 'till I draw my pay?

And I'm leaving like a thief in the night.
Oh, but I will try to write to you, or maybe I will call.
And I'll send you back all the money,
But not the love that you've left
I've never paid no interest on that loan

Why don't you get some rest now you ought to get an early night.
I've got a key and you can lock the door and it'll be all right.
I'll just take my winter coat, 'cause it looks like it might rain.
Can you lend me just a little money 'till I draw my pay?

And I'm leaving like a thief in the night.
Oh, but I will try to write to you, or maybe I will call.
And I'll send you back all the money,
But not the love that you've left
I've never paid no interest on that loan.

Date added: Mar 26, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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