Ralph McTell The Grande Affaire Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Ralph McTell lyrics


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Ralph McTell - The Grande Affaire


(Ralph McTell)

Take a boat, who needs a car
We leave here, take this seat near the door.
Well I'm not hungry much now, are you?
Is it ok if I share yours with you?
I have no money and I think I believe that you knew.

Remember the moon on the wall, did she shine?
Taste of the sheets and the feel of the wine.
Wasn't I glad that you was mine.
In the Grande Affaire.

Take a boat, maybe a plane,
Anywhere now, 'cept Greece or Spain.
Oh sure, I know where I am,
I see canals, this is Amsterdam.
I got friends here and they know, and they can say who I am.

Remember the room without any view.
Frightened of meeting someone that we knew
No farewells or how-do-you-do's.
In the Grande Affaire.

Now I've stayed at the best hotels,
And there's white coated waiters attend me,
And I look at the beautiful girls,
Do they really believe they can bend me.

Well I drive now, seldom, I walk.
I can speak French, but I'd rather not talk.
Which suit will I wear tonight?
Take out the brown, but in the end wear the white.
Out the shade, stepping out, and moving into the light.

Remember the moon on the wall did she shine,
The year was all wrong so we sent back the wine,
Wasn't you glad that you was mine.
In the Grande Affaire.

Date added: Mar 26, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
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Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
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