Reveille Inside Out (Remix feat. Scooter Ward) Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Reveille lyrics


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Reveille - Inside Out (Remix feat. Scooter Ward)

Tell me what I'm supposed to feel
Because I don't feel this
Sick and tired and it's all the same
Too much, different day, all day, every day
Wish you were perfect?
Well welcome to your fifteen minutes of fame
Come get it while it's hot
You want it, we got it, come get it now
Can you feel me now?
Tell me how I am supposed to feel for you
When all you do is hold me down?
Told me I'm nothing
Tell me what you're thinking now

(So you wanna turn me inside out?
Should I let you in or spit you out?)

(Now) Can you feel me?
(Now) Can you feel me?
(Now) Can you feel me?
(Come on) Can you feel me...
(Now) Can you feel me?
(Now) Can you feel me?
(Now) Can you feel me?
(Come on) Can you feel me?

Tell me what I'm supposed to feel
Because I can't feel this
Hollowed out and you wonder why
Too much, not enough, slow down, pick it up
Genuine adrenaline giving me highs, so high, so high
So talk your talk, walk your walk
But as far as I can see
On the inside out you're about as ugly as me
Except now I'm fit to knock you down
Tell me I'm nothing
Tell me what you're thinking now...
So back off!

(So you wanna turn me inside out?
Should I let you in or spit you out?)

(Now) Can you feel me?
(Now) Can you feel me?
(Now) Can you feel me?
(Come on) Can you feel me...
(Now) Can you feel me?
(Now) Can you feel me?
(Now) Can you feel me?
(Come on) Can you feel me NOW?

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Title match, main ring
No time to rethink
You swim or you sink
You want it, we got it, come get it!
Title match, main ring
No time to rethink
You swim or you sink
You want it, we got it, come get it!
Title match, main ring
No time to rethink
You swim or you sink
You want it, we got it, come get it!
Title match, main ring
No time to rethink
You swim or you sink
You want it, we got it, Come on!

(Now) Can you feel me?
(Now) Can you feel me?
(Now) Can you feel me?
(Come on) Can you feel me...
(Now) Can you feel me?
(Now) Can you feel me?
(Now) Can you feel me?
(Come on) Can you feel me NOW?

Date added: May 17, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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Music video for Reveille - Inside Out (Remix feat. Scooter Ward)

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