Scatman John Time (Take Your Time) Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Scatman John lyrics


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Scatman John - Time (Take Your Time)

Take yo' time, We can do-we can do-we can do it
Take yo' time, We can do-we can do-we can do it.

We can do-we can do-we can do it
Whooo-whooo...Take yo' time
We can do-we-can do-we can do it

You know that I been licked and I'm terminally hip and you see me
Crawlin' in again reakin' of the same gin
Through the door many times same condition broken mind
Gotta start the same show all over again
Powerless flowerless cannot do this any more
Remember to surrender to the power of your choice
Acceptance is the answer page 449
Slow down take it easy Tommy ain't no hurry here

Take a time, take a day at a time.
Take a time, take a day at a time.
Take a time, take a day at a time.
Take a time, take a day at a time.

Whooo-Whooo take yo' time
We can do-we can do-we can do it.
Whooo-Whooo take yo' time
We can do-we can do-we can do it.

Inventory purgatory checked out my soul.
I'm a legend in my own time legend in my own mind
The plug is in the jug and reality is setting in.
The pink cloud is wearin' thin.The girls are lookin' good
But I'm broke, but I'm broke
Hey Tommy lookin' good.Got a tan.Feelin' better?
Heard you readin' chapter five you know how to stay alive.
Every morning hit you knees ninety meetings ninety days.
Heard you share. We care. Check it out Tommy.

Take a time, take a day at a time.
Take a time, take a day at a time.
Take a time, take a day at a time.
Take a time, take a day at a time.

Whooo-Whooo take yo' time
We can do-we can do-we can do it.
Whooo-Whooo take yo' time
We can do-we can do-we can do it.

Take a time, take a day at a time.
Take a time, take a day at a time.
Take a time, take a day at a time.
Take a time, take a day at a time.


Date added: May 19, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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