Tantric Hey Now Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Tantric lyrics


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Tantric - Hey Now


Feel me
Why are you hiding
Why are you siding
What happened to my friend

I see your
Back now is turned to
Me as I ask you
Cuz I don't understand
I don't understand
I don't understand

Hey now
Never have I wanted to try
Look into my face and you lie
Tell me why I'm willing to
Die for this again
Hey now
Thinking that the worst is behind
Turn around but only to find
Tell me why I'm ready to
Die for this again

Hey now
I'll bare this for you
So they adore you
And get your paper badge

Hear me
But you don't listen
Or you don't want to
Cuz you're just saving yourself
Just saving your:

Hey now
Never have I wanted to try
Look into my face and you lie
Tell me why I'm willing to
Die for this again
Hey now
Thinking that the worst is behind
Turn around but only to find
Tell me why I'm ready to
Die for this again

Why don't you make up your mind
Why don't you make up your mind
Who do you want me to be
Who do you want me to be
I can't believe what you said
I can't believe what you said
Why are you messing with me
Why are you messing with me
Why are you messing with me
Why are you messing with me
Why are you messing with me
Why are you messing with me
Why are you messing with me
Why are you messing with me
Why are you messing with me
Why are you messing with me
Why are you messing with me
Why are you messing with me

I have been let down
Lies that have affected me

Hey now
Never have I wanted to try
Look into my face and you lie
Tell me why I'm willing to
Die for this again
Hey now
Thinking that the worst is behind
Turn around but only to find
Tell me why I'm ready to
Die for this again

Hey now
Never have I wanted to try
Look into my face and you lie
Tell me why I'm willing to
Die for this again
Hey now
Thinking that the worst is behind
Turn around but only to find
Tell me why I'm willing to
Die for this again

[ ]

Date added: Mar 26, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: 5.77 Mb
Download time: < 3 min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: 224 kbps
Track Length 3:29 (mm:ss)
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Music video for Tantric - Hey Now

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